“A small Bite”
by Emily Ghazal

A small bite

Sometimes, when I feel slightly out of touch,

a bit out of place, off kilter, unbalanced,

I think;

“I’d like to take a small bite.”

A small bite out of my own skin and flesh.

Small enough to taste, big enough to chew.

I’d like to know if I’m soft, or if I’m rough against my teeth and tongue.

I’d like to know if I’d feel familiar against the roof of my mouth.

Maybe a small bite once in a while, would keep me settled.

Maybe a small nibble here and there would do me good.

To remind myself that I exist, that I bleed and that I hurt.

And that I stand on two feet that carry a body and a head upon my neck.

A head that feels,

right here,

when I take a small bite out of my own skin and flesh.